AmeriCorps VISTA Onboarding Process

Welcome to the Montana Campus Network for Civic Engagement and AmeriCorps VISTA! Below, you’ll find the steps to complete your enrollment and become an official AmeriCorps member.

MCNCE Enrollment Paperwork

The following documents are required by MCNCE to enroll you as an AmeriCorps VISTA member with our program. You are also required to submit additional documents via your My AmeriCorps account, as described later.

Once you complete the following forms, you must upload them to MTCC’s secure site on Submittable. Do not send forms via email.

You may print the forms and complete them by hand, or you may complete them digitally. If you would like to fill them out digitally, download the forms to your computer and save them as separate files. When signing forms electronically, please use the Fill & Sign tool in Adobe Acrobat Reader (available to download for free).

Forms that are printed and completed by hand may be scanned, or they may be photographed (e.g. with a cell phone). When photographing forms, ensure that they are well lit and that all text is visible and legible. Photographs of forms that cannot be read will need to be resubmitted.

Each document must be submitted as a separate file. ALL documents must be uploaded before you will be able to submit them to MTCC. If you do not have all your documents signed and ready to upload at one time, you may save your Submittable form and return to complete your uploads at a later date.

Upload Your Documents Here

Following are the documents to be uploaded. Click each document to download and complete it.

  1. AmeriCorps VISTA Offer Letter
  2. Member Information & Training Needs Form
  3. AmeriCorps VISTA Media Release
  4. Federal Form W-9. (Upload only Page 1. This form is for MCNCE to distribute travel reimbursements related to member trainings. NOTE: Travel reimbursements may be taxable.)
  5. ADA Accommodation Request (this item is optional. Please read the form for submission instructions.

Once your enrollment has been processed, you will receive communications from the AmeriCorps VISTA National Office. You should follow the instructions they provide to complete the following. Usually, these instructions will be sent 3-4 weeks before you are scheduled to begin service, but they may arrive sooner. Among the information you receive, there will be a Guide to Entering VISTA Service. However, you can get a head-start by reviewing it now.

AmeriCorps VISTA Pre-Service Coursework and Onboarding Forms

Once your enrollment has been processed, you will receive communications from the AmeriCorps VISTA National Office. You should follow the instructions they provide to complete the following. Usually these instructions will be sent 3-4 weeks before you are scheduled to begin service, but they may arrive sooner. Among the information you will receive, there will be a Guide to Entering VISTA Service. However, you can get a head start by reviewing it now.

Once you receive communications from the VISTA National Office, these will be your next steps:

1) Create an account on the VISTA Campus at

2) Complete the required pre-service coursework in your VISTA Campus account.

3) Submit additional required onboarding forms to your AmeriCorps profile at

4) Learn about other important requirements, including your criminal history check.

Pre-Service Orientation and Start of Service

AmeriCorps VISTA members who begin their service on August 12, 2024 will report to their service site for an initial on-site orientation. Then from September 4-6, they will attend a Pre-Service Orientation (PSO) with MCNCE staff at the University of Montana in Missoula. Following Orientation, members will return to their service site to begin their service activities.

All members will receive further information, agendas, etc. in advance of these trainings.

Please contact our office if you have any questions about your orientation. We can’t wait to meet you!